Thursday, February 13, 2014

Life's Timeline?

Everyone that asks me my age is always surprised when I mention this number. But I don’t think I look any older than I should, and the majority of times I’m definitely not acting any older than I am. So why is age so important? I get that the whole number issue is important when referring to activities such as drinking, driving, attending R- rated movies… things we don’t really have control over. It just confuses me when things that we have complete control over all of a sudden have a timeline, that people feel pressured to squeeze their lives into.

I sat on the phone with my best friend the other day and she had asked if she would be my maid of honor at my wedding, I said of course cause BFFZ 4 EVA and then we dove into all things about our future (everyone’s favorite subject, right?). She told me what age she is going to meet her fiancĂ©e, the age she’d get married at, the age she would have her first kid, her second, etc. etc. etc.

I threw up some numbers of my own for conversation’s sake and she replied with, excuse the language, "fuck no."

Fuck no? What? Apparently, my timeline of events was not the average person's. Why are there standards for when I choose to live my life?

Life itself is not forever that's something everyone knows so why would I restrict myself from anything I want to do. At eighteen, I can stand firmly on the fact that I don’t know what will happen in my disoriented future. Heck, I don’t know what’s happening an hour from now.

There are so many things that I want to accomplish. Big and small. Of course all of life’s traditions are included such as kids and a husband but right now I’m just living day by day. Trying to dissect the things I love and things I want to pursue in this world full of glamorized options.

xx S