Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Since we were in kindergarten we’ve had people in our lives that we call best friends. Often, at certain points of growing up a new person will take over this title- or maybe the title will dismiss itself until you find someone who you believe genuinely deserves it.

Yes, I say deserves it. Because personally for me, I pride myself on being a good friend and I always second guess who I should be making efforts to keep in my life and who I should cut my losses with.

I’ve had many different friends, been a part of many different social circles, and have gotten many different opinions about other people during my time in school. I learned that there are such things as horrible people in the world, and though they may have equally great parts to balance these out you should not waste your time on someone that you second-guess, especially when it comes to a friend.

I spent years trying to figure out what I look for in a best friend because everyone has their downfalls and it can be hard to decipher which ones are worse than others.

I still struggle daily to figure out who really has my back, who would be there to pick me up if I ever fell and I’m sure there’s ways to test and find out but the results are daunting.

I can stand firmly in knowing this though; be kind to everyone whether a friend or a stranger. If you see someone struggling, offer him or her a helping hand. If you wish to let go of a relationship, release them slowly for you never know what one moment, one smile, or one small act of kindness can or did provide to another person.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Life's Timeline?

Everyone that asks me my age is always surprised when I mention this number. But I don’t think I look any older than I should, and the majority of times I’m definitely not acting any older than I am. So why is age so important? I get that the whole number issue is important when referring to activities such as drinking, driving, attending R- rated movies… things we don’t really have control over. It just confuses me when things that we have complete control over all of a sudden have a timeline, that people feel pressured to squeeze their lives into.

I sat on the phone with my best friend the other day and she had asked if she would be my maid of honor at my wedding, I said of course cause BFFZ 4 EVA and then we dove into all things about our future (everyone’s favorite subject, right?). She told me what age she is going to meet her fiancĂ©e, the age she’d get married at, the age she would have her first kid, her second, etc. etc. etc.

I threw up some numbers of my own for conversation’s sake and she replied with, excuse the language, "fuck no."

Fuck no? What? Apparently, my timeline of events was not the average person's. Why are there standards for when I choose to live my life?

Life itself is not forever that's something everyone knows so why would I restrict myself from anything I want to do. At eighteen, I can stand firmly on the fact that I don’t know what will happen in my disoriented future. Heck, I don’t know what’s happening an hour from now.

There are so many things that I want to accomplish. Big and small. Of course all of life’s traditions are included such as kids and a husband but right now I’m just living day by day. Trying to dissect the things I love and things I want to pursue in this world full of glamorized options.

xx S

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Money, something as a college student I lack.

It's those times in my life where my refridgerator, stomach, and wallet are all empty that my mind really thinks hard about money and the expense of things.

Thoughts such as:

Why the hell did I spend $18 at Urth Cafe for a chicken quesadilla and some boba?
How the hell did I spend $32 on groceries but only left with very few items?
Who the hell can leave Target without spending more than $50?

This post is an SOS.

Someone please teach me ways to be smarter about spending because I'm currently phoneless and hungry with no plans of fixing these things anytime soon.

xx Sarah

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Uh, Hi?

Welp, if I'm going to be completely honest (which I will be cause it's my blog) this first post is a little uncomfortable to me.

You know when you go to a random party with a friend and you walk in and know absolutely no one and by the time you turn around to suggest leaving your friend is long gone with that guy she came there for so you end up kinda hovering by yourself in the corner somewhere flashing a few small smiles to the strangers squeezing by? It's like that kinda, but a tiny bit better. This blogs the party and I don't know anyone else here but don't count on me leaving anytime soon. 

So here's the icebreaker for my blog. Can I offer you a drink? Tell you a joke?

Nope? Well, alright then. 

I'll be posting seriously (well slightly more seriously) in the near future. 

xx S